As a millennial, you have several career opportunities. Your unique generation has skills and interests that make certain positions in the world of work more appropriate. The more you know about the best jobs for millennials, the easier it will be to narrow down your search for positions where you can succeed. [Sources: 5] What skills you need will depend on your chosen profession, but many will help you stand out from other candidates. In this article, we will outline the best qualifications for millennial jobs, the 16 best jobs for your generation, their average salaries, and their primary duties. The millennial generation is growing up in a digitally savvy age, so it's important to showcase technological skills, regardless of the industry. [Sources: 5] As older millennials age in management roles and younger millennials begin their careers, companies need to find ways to use their skills, even those hidden. Ask questions in interviews about the SUS qualification companies that are hiding, and don't be afraid to use the Millennials you hire to make the most of their skills. [Sources: 3] Millennials get a bad rap, but they bring clear value to your business and can help bring it into the 21st century. As a millennial, you need to find a way to describe your skills in your cover letter, resume and, of course, on your LinkedIn page. [Sources: 3] Soft skills gaps that are likely to appeal to millennials include written and oral communication, social skills other than social media, the ability to engage and motivate, business etiquette and professionalism. Set expectations for the communication skills that employees need to acquire, starting with clear writing and articulated speech, and progressing from there. [Sources: 2] Millennials have a certain learning style and benefit from using well-designed templates to tackle new communication tasks. Think method, training wheels and social competence. To promote these soft skills, millennials should consider bringing in multigenerational management experts if needed. [Sources: 2] You may not be ready to take the lead tomorrow, but if you hire someone with potential and experience, you will find that millennials can surprise you and secure the future of your organization by dominating the workforce. Millennials may not want managerial experience when looking for a leader, but there are other ways to identify up-and-coming leaders in the hiring process. With this new pool of candidates, companies are beginning to understand that it is the soft skills that will define future leaders. [Sources: 9] They spend most of their waking hours at work. If you work in an area of interest to them, show them that you have the opportunity to grow and learn more about the field and contribute to your organization. Your business interests align with the interests of your employees, and you will pull together, which is key to guiding and retaining Millennium employees. [Sources: 6] Millennials want to be part of a big thing or mission. We have given this instruction when hiring developers. To decide if a candidate is a good fit, we give him a challenging technical problem and have him write a line of code for each answer. We let them program on a whiteboard throughout the process to learn what kind of skills they have, both hard and soft. [Sources: 7] Compared to Generation X, HR managers consider millennials more open to change, creative and adaptable. Although millennials are interested in learning and developing professional skills, they recognize that the learning experiences they have when they enter the world of work may not equip them with the skills and behaviors to succeed in the real world. [Sources: 0] Jobs help to cultivate, develop and develop the skills that drive the generation. Millennials are more likely to take jobs they don't like, because they believe they can improve their skills. A strong corporate brand and culture helps attract and retain millennials. [Sources: 1] The ability to absorb new information and translate it into productive, inventive work is of the utmost importance. As each generation evolves in the world of work today, these roles have become prerequisites for success. Companies must focus on creating an environment in which employees - young and not so young - are always on guard. [Sources: 11] With one eye on career advancement and the other on their online courses, millennials are ready to grow and take their skills and careers to the next level. The work of the future belongs to those who learn for the future. And when workers learn from it, employers benefit too. [Sources: 11] Tested at a young age, members of Gen Z bring a special blend of resilience and humanity to the workplace. Employers can take advantage of this unique and formative experience by providing structured support to their young employees to facilitate their transition and secure their place as valued members of the workforce. Companies have the chance to help them become the next great generation of leaders. [Sources: 8] Millennials are often brought up to rely on each other, overbearing parents and apps on their phones to solve their own problems. This assessment is fair in most reviews, and it contains a kernel of truth. But this popular characterization of millennials ignores the unique skills they bring to the workplace. [Sources: 10] When I talk about millennials "technological skills and jumping between skills, I say that we learn quickly and don't need babies, which is a crucial advantage in today's real-time working world. I also think that we have the ability to adapt to any industry, project or environment. This is due to the economic realities that force many of us to balance two jobs at the same time. [Sources: 4] After reviewing the best qualifications for millennial jobs, we look at the wide variety of jobs suitable for the millennial generation. Use this list to guide your job search and reflect on your relevant skills and work history. [Sources: 5] Here's a template we use for managers to talk to their teams about their 1-1s. As the leading millennium company at Unito, for example, we have weekly team meetings and 1: 1 meetings that focus on long-term goals and personal development. [Sources: 6] Equality can be achieved in practice in various ways. One of the greatest ways to integrate equality and lead millennials is for the UN to publish a salary matrix for each role in the organization. Companies are starting to do this to some extent. You talk about an open door policy and the free flow of information between teams. But they don't always keep those promises. [Sources: 6] If you don't have your own marketing department, setting up a social media presence for millennials in your office will be your best resource to get started and make sure your efforts are effective. LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram are all valuable marketing tools that offer enormous reach for a small investment. Most companies should at least have a presence on Facebook, if not more, so it is important to establish such a presence. [Sources: 3] Sources: [0]: [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: