Personality Based Learning

Faced with these realities, there is an urgent need to focus on learning environments that meet certain learning characteristics. In this context, education researchers are required to develop ways to address different learning styles and personality traits of students in e-learning environments, so that all learners can find ways to succeed in their respective fields. Numerous studies have examined the relationship between personality traits and many related concepts in scarcity research, and some studies emphasize the relationship between learning styles, personality traits, and academic achievement (Caspi, Roberts, & Shiner, 2005). [Sources: 7] 
In order to find out whether the personal learning approach is related to its effects on information behaviour, 500 university students were asked to complete three questionnaires on their information behaviour and personality approach before the study. Personality filters influenced learning style and search behavior more than other behaviors. There is probably a similarity between these two types of learning styles, as they spring from the same source (personality structure). [Sources: 5] 
In our study, we use the True Color Personality Assessment Inventory to examine the learning styles and preferences of successful online students. We offer a brief overview of personality research, describe our study results and have recommendations for the design and teaching of online courses that meet the needs of all study types. [Sources: 0] 
On the surface of a student's personality lies a unique opportunity to become aware of their interests, learning styles and preferences. The use of this information can transform the education system, individualize students "experiences, and help students accurately determine their interests. When we recognize the personality in the classroom, it is an opportunity to tap into the strengths of the students. [Sources: 4] 
It is defined as cognitive, affective, and psychological traits that act as constant indicators of how students learn and respond to the learning environment (Fields and Spurlin, 2005). The idea that each student has his own way of learning, which is called a learning style, provides the theoretical framework for current research studies. [Sources: 7] 
The following are 16 personality types based on boys E, S, N, T and F dichotomies and the J / P relationship (Briggs & Myers stresses the importance of seeing them as the fourth dichotomy influenced by the personality type). We hope that this will contribute to further research into the specific effectiveness of applying this approach to learning styles in education that benefit students and teachers. [Sources: 6] 
Student personalities are associated with learning outcomes and are conveyed through learning strategies. Blickle (1996) compared five factor models of personality traits, learning strategies and learning outcomes. He found that conscientiousness and openness were related to every style of learning. [Sources: 5] 
The Illinois Online Network (ION) highlighted the qualities that online students must possess to succeed in an online learning environment. 19 online courses require students to apply theoretical knowledge and work experience to the learning process. Although miscisin is related to the color personality traits of students in face-to-face (F2F), it is important to understand the personality traits of online students as online education grows. [Sources: 0] 
Personality plays a big role in how students learn new information. In other words, every facet of a person's personality influences how he or she receives information and how he or she processes it. This analysis is cited by a scientist concerned with the science of different personality responses to learning stimuli. He notes that personality traits influence learning preferences because they act as moderators in relation to the learning process and moderate successive phases of the information processing sequence. [Sources: 4] 
We do not intend to imply that changing a student's personality automatically adapts to collaborative learning. Acknowledging that their personalities cannot be changed, educational researchers looking at personality should instead focus on designing the learning environment in such a way that the best work of certain personalities contributes to improving their performance. [Sources: 1] 
In a recent study, Jang and Park1 demonstrated that personality traits of medical students are related to collaborative performance in problem-based learning (PBL) tutorials. They said independent medical students tended to do assigned independent work to prepare for PBL tutorials. [Sources: 1] 
If each faculty understands its own true colors on the personality trait spectrum, it can at least identify its students with high and low colors. With a deeper understanding, teachers can offer differentiated and individualised teaching that provides the opportunity for valuable and effective learning experiences. [Sources: 0] 
The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between personality on the one hand and approach to learning information and behaviour on the other. The personality search, behavior and learning style were compared with the estimated study results of the students. [Sources: 5] 
They know that PBL is a means of cooperative learning. Fourth, students who attended PBL classes and studied cooperatively received a higher GPA. The authors point out that students with higher GPA lack honesty about PBL. [Sources: 1] 
With the rapid growth of technology to improve learning, new learning media have emerged. One of these is computerised learning, and the main concern in developing computerised learning systems is to take account of the differences between learners. [Sources: 2] 
These new intelligent solutions are networked and not only target cognitive processes, but also take into account motivational factors. An example of such a solution is the gamified system, a system-based learning method that emphasizes the role of motivation. [Sources: 3] 


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